Vision and history
SeAnalytics is a consultancy company specialized in knowledge support for marine environmental assessments. Our vision is to help understand and manage marine coastal ecosystems through the use of new technologies, such as DNA-based methods, machine learning, and autonomous sampling.
The company was founded in 2013 as a spin-off from the marine research institutions at the University of Gothenburg. Over the past four years Seanalytics has developed strong linkages to maritime industries as well as national and international authorities working with the protection of costal environments.
Company details
SeAnalytics AB org. nr. 556918-7130. Registered for F-skatt (VAT).
Environmental Magement System
Since 2021 SeAnalytics AB has a certified environmental management system in place, thereby complying with the requirements of the standard ISO 14001:2015.
Employees and board of directors
Per Sundberg, Professor emeritus
Per Sundberg is an expert in eDNA technology, marine biodiversity, and the IMO Ballast water convention. He is CEO and communication officer for the company.
Tel: 0733 748742, Email:
Matthias Obst, Docent
Matthias Obst works with biodiversity modelling, especially for alien, invasive, and endangered species. He is also expert in testing observation systems for biological diversity in the ocean, including genomic observatories and human sensor networks. He is an experienced project leader, field biologist, and spatial analyst.
Marina Panova, Docent
Marina Panova works with various aspects of genomics in the sea: from de novo genome assembly for target species to marine metabarcoding and metagenomics assessments. She is an expert in applying NGS tools to non-model hard-to-sequence organisms.

Marty Breidenbach, Junior Consultant
Marty Breidenbach is expert in aquatic field work and ecological analyses. Marty completed his master degree at the University of Gothenburg in 2022. The title of his thiesis was "Development of eDNA based assay for early detection and monitoring of the non-indigenous species Polydora websteri Hartman in Loosanoff & Engle, 1943 (Polychaeta: Spionidae)".