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Environmental DNA analyses

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Environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis is a rapid and non-invasive method that is increasingly used in environmental monitoring and biodiversity assessments. The method is based on the fact that all organisms leave traces of DNA in the environment, to a larger or less degree, for example in the form of skin cells, mucus, excretions, hair, or any other tissue remains. These particles can be collected from the environment via filtration. Subsequent DNA analysis allows for detection of rare, endangered, alien or invasive species - both in marine and freshwater environments.

We offer a broad range of biological monitoring services and biodiversity assessments based on eDNA protocols. Our services are in many cases more cost-efficient and accurate compared to conventional monitoring methods, especially when it comes to detecting rare species, alien, or endangered species. In many cases eDNA provides a lot of additional information on the community composition in an ecosystem and hence may not replace, but complement existing monitoring protocols.

We offer inventories and monitoring of biological communities based on metabarcoding as well as targeted species assays for specific groups using highly sensitive digital PCR methods. In the Publications section, you can find an updated list of Reports as well as Academic publications with examples of how our eDNA services are applied.